Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How I Feel About the Death Penalty

Life is the most precious thing in the world. You only get to live once and everybody should have the opportunity to live it to the fullest. No man should have the power to decide whether someone else lives or dies. That decision should be left up to god and god only. For those of you who are living under a rock, in America, some states have the death penalty available as a punishment for severe crimes. In these cases where a person is convicted of a crime serious enough to be eligible for the death penalty, do you know who holds another person’s life in their hands? It is not god, it is a person sitting behind a giant desk in a court room with a black robe and a gavel in their hands. Who gave them the right to decide whether a person lives or dies? As humans, we are all equal and one man should not hold the power to take another man's life. Now I admit, there are some cases where i just watch t.v and see what people do and i think to myself, "Wow he deserves to die". Even in these cases though, I do not believe that one man should have the right to end the life of another. I just secretly wish they get struck by lightning. The death penalty has caused too many problems in our country. Many innocent people have been sentenced to death for crimes they did not commit. This should not be allowed to happen. If the death penalty gets banned all together, we will never have to worry about executing an innocent man. At least of you sentence and innocent man to life in prison and they are innocent, there is much more time to find new evidence that proves innocence. If somebody gets executed and then is found to be innocent, there is nothing we can do. My heart goes out to all of the families of the people who have been executed but have been innocent. That should never have happened and hopefully in the near future, the death penalty will be gone and we will never have to worry about it again. I will end on one final note. We only get one life, do you really think it is ok to leave the decision over whether a person lives or dies in the hands of another person?


  1. I like the argument you have here, the only problem is you didn't put the opposing view points of the argument. You had a very interesting post, and it really makes you think about the issue. The first sentence is a good lead up to the argument, but the problem is the sentence and grammar, you have a lot of periods in places you don't need you should try to combine or transition sentences.

  2. Your topic sentence is to the point, but helps keep the reader engaged. Support is ok, but there is no citation to help back up views or claims. Transitions are pretty good, and it helps keep an easy flow throughout the post. Grammer and spelling is pretty good, but there is a few questionable places in regard to grammer. Pretty strong argument that informs the reader of your views on the death penalty. The post was a good read though, and I found your views to be interesting, despite that I do not agree with them. Next time, integrate a quote to help support your argument so that I may be persuaded to agree with your views.

  3. you picked the same topic as me! I think it such a great topic to discuss and i completely agree with you.your post has great transitions and nice flow.Grammar and puctuation were good, but you might want to add some more facts for a stronger argument. all in all great post.
